in·tro·spec·tion – a reflective looking inward : an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings

I had a thought having nothing to do with writing, but having everything to do with writing. It flew into my head the other day as thoughts tend to do when I’m supposed to be writing. And here it is: infusing introspection (that is show and not tell) has a significant role in writing good, emotionally gripping books with characters that leap off the page, but this ain’t easy.

By the way, this is a writer’s post. Readers of romance, fiction, literary or popular, may be interested only if you buy the DVD of a favorite film or TV show specifically to listen to the director’s voice over analysis (as you rewatch the episode or film) to get his/her opinion on the process of filming the story/episode (and yes, I’ve done this). Now I don’t have a published book (I am an aspiring author), yet alone one that is so freaking popular readers cull the Internet to find my blog posts to get a hint of the why and why not of the characters in my story. (Although wouldn’t that be fun).

But here’s the point…(And yes, there is a point!)…

4127There’s a certain amount of introspection about life that as an adult who has lived through her share of embarrassing, devastating, funny, cruel, joyful, inexplainable and  why-in-the-hell moments–I choose to avoid reflecting upon. But this weekend, for the 100th time, I realized  my characters cannot avoid introspection (they aren’t moi:)–and besides introspection is the best window for the reader to connect with these people who exist on the page in real situations. If as a writer I don’t buy-in to the reality of these characters and their world – the book won’t work. And introspection via internalization or third person deep POV is the way to the promised land.

So how do I get from being gun shy about ‘digging deeper’ to finding that spot in my voice where character meets world believably, emotionally, sensually, and in an interesting way?

I’m working on it.

And by the way, wasn’t this very introspecting of me to note this (and yeah, I made up a word, too:).