Okay, this is something we all know if we write – we know it’s hard. But what happens when you stop writing for two months because you’ve got so much work, and are so stressed out, you can’t do a damn thing but think about work? Well, I tried, I truly tried to keep writing in late May and June when I was up to my highbrows in stuff:)…but it didn’t happen like I wanted it to happen. Then when I went on vacation, all I could do was lay in a beach chair and stare at the waves for a week – seriously.

So, getting back in the swing? What can you do? Well, I’m headed to Anaheim, CA on Wednesday for the 2012 RWA National Conference. Just the thought of all of those writers is getting me back in the writer-girl mindset. In fact, yesterday – I actually got some good writing time in — but will it be enough for my editor and agent appointment later this week? We. Shall. See.

I’ll be blogging this week right here about writing, conferences, and Anaheim. I’m also blogging everyday at the Waterworld Mermaids blog – so please check out the posts there, too! I intend to come out of this week a writing fool:)…what about you? Do you ever fall off of the writing wagon, and if you do, what gets you back on board? I want to know!

Also, I’ve been pulling together the cast of Gideon, my current WiP about a vampire who makes a promise to a witch. It’s occupying my brain cells, and due in front of editors and agents like yesterday:)…anyway, what do you think of my latest inspiration for my hero and heroine? I’ve even started a board on Pinterest just for my characters. Talk about chewing up time – let me just say Pinterest is crack:)!