My Blog

All That Jazz: Richard Samuel Roberts, Still Photographer
Good morning! And may I ask – what time is it? Well, it’s early, so, clocks be darned! Anyway, I’ve got to save my words today for National Novel Writing Month (yes, it began at 12:01 am, people!). So my peek back in time for this Sunday focuses on portrait maker and...

ALL THAT JAZZ: The Old Settlers Social Club
I was a history minor in college, so I am not a historian. I am a fan of research. From my early days studying journalism and writing press releases, I learned how to dig for a story. A good thing since I crave learning as much as possible about topics that fuel my...

All That Jazz: The First Ladies…
Lil Hardin Armstrong

All That Jazz: Archibald Motley, Painter
A painting by Archibald Motley depicts the night life in Bronzeville, Illinois during the height of the Jazz Age.