My Blog
Joy Daniels Cover Reveal – Can We Say HOT! And RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY, TOO!
After years of hard work country music duo Sweet Talk is on the verge of success. Singer Ashley Ford swore off the romantic entanglements that cost her mother her musical career, but her playing has fallen flat. She needs a spark (and she also may need a TRIO:)!
The Grand Gesture – Just Ask Somebody…:)
I'm reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (or I should say I'm listening to Outlander, narrated by Davina Porter - brilliant btw), and got to a part in the story where the words GRAND GESTURE leaped off the page (audio track:). Not that I'm a dummy on the structure of...
Not a Book Cover Designer – But Some Covers Rock My World!
Robin Covington’s new release Sex & the Single Vamp is available everywhere. Hot cover!

Laura Kaye Release Day! Hard As You Can – A Hard Ink Novel
I love participating in release day promotions for books I enjoy reading. And today, Laura Kaye is celebrating the release of her second Hard Ink Novel - Hard As You Can. Take a moment to read an excerpt (below), generously provided by Laura, or just scroll down and...