My Blog

A Blog Tour – The Writing Process and Hurrah #AMWriting!
The biggest statement I can make about my writing process is that first and foremost - I AM WRITING! But after that is where the joy of writing gets dicey--in a good way, but nonetheless dicey. Before I dive in, here's a quick shout out to my author pal Carlene Love...

Alberta Hunter: A Woman I Used to Chat With…
Back in the early 1980s when I was practically a teenager (okay, I admit it! I was older than a teenager), I dreamed of dancing on Broadway. So, as soon as I could, I left Chicago for New York City, brights lights, fame and fortune (a story I intend to write about one...

Writing a Historical Romance and the “Queen of Happiness”!
I loved my 11th grade history class. It was taught by that teacher, you know the one - the woman or man who connects with his students (a he in my case) so completely that every moment in class is unforgettable? Well, okay, I don't remember his name, but I do remember...

New Art – A Brand New Year…
The image I will be using in 2014 as my avatar for the Waterworld Mermaids is also inspiration for a new story I’m working on…thank you Lee Moyer for allowing me to borrow it!