by Denny S. Bryce | Jul 23, 2012 | FEATURED ARTICLES, Gideon, RWA, RWA Nationals, vampires, waterworld mermaids, writing
Okay, this is something we all know if we write – we know it’s hard. But what happens when you stop writing for two months because you’ve got so much work, and are so stressed out, you can’t do a damn thing but think about work? Well, I tried,...
by Denny S. Bryce | Sep 4, 2011 | Denny's eye candy, eye candy, Gideon, six sentence sunday
Joe Manganiello from True Blood, snagged from the Internet by Denny S. BryceSunday rolls around so fast these days, I’ve barely got it together for my Six Sentence Sunday! But this is from the urban fantasy about the vampire who makes a promise to a witch he...