Nine Inch Nails – The Perfect Drug, snagged from the Internet by Denny S. Bryce.

There are no answers in this blog about the value of marketing. Just questions and a big heap of joy! I’m in NYC for the RWA Annual Conference. I’m not at the host hotel. I took my check book (okay, plastic) down the road to the Hilton New York. A little less hectic and elevators that go up and down, not through the alphabet before going where ever it is that they go. It makes be feel empowered.

Nonetheless, I will figure out the Marriott before tomorrow’s sessions begin, but right now, I think I’m suffering from jet lag and just need to rest my feet – but not before I post this blog!

I took a look at the workshop schedule, and as always the RWA does provide an impressive list of options. I have decided to become smarter about marketing in the publishing industry and have added a couple of workshops with that topic in the headline to my personal agenda. I also want to improve my scenes, and feel even more comfortable with what some call the ‘shitty’ first draft. So with those three goals in mind,  I’m ready to get my conference mojo on, baby…

If you are here in NYC for the RWA National Conference – what’s your game plan? How are you going to maximize your investment? (hey, unless you got a free ride and have free room nights – this is a serious investment). If so, what workshops on the schedule make your mouth water? You’ve got to make it to this workshop or you will bust a gut! I want to know.

So far for me – it’s Roxanne St. Claire’s “how to mend a broken scene”. I took it last year, and thought I had it nailed. Then four months later I faltered yet again.

But there are also many buzz worthy workshops to choose from. But my focus has to stay on the prize – and this time, I want to walk away to some serious insights into marketing, scene creation/development and writing the first draft. Other than that all I can hope for is that all of the workshops I want aren’t scheduled in the same time slot…
