Why, why, why am I sitting in front of my computer with four stories to write and wanting desperately to start working on this OTHER story idea? Huh? Am I insane, or just a master of procrastination?

Well, here’s what I’m going to do to rid myself of the impulse to work on another book – today I’m posting Seven Sentences, which I’m calling Sunday’s Seven (not six sentences btw, but seven!) from the story I shouldn’t be thinking about, okay? And don’t ask me why I have this story  sitting around, waiting to post!

Name, so far, Untitled. But it’s a paranormal romance…(think novella and time travel)…

Slipping silently out of the bed, Rory grabbed his jeans from the top of the pile, absently checking to make certain he had the right pair. Didn’t want to end up wearing his girl’s pants, even if he could fit into them. Just wasn’t manly. He found his t-shirt at the bottom of the stack, and pulled it over his head. Quickly, he ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing his curls. He then crept out of the room, catlike. He could leave without making a sound—being a vampire and all.

If you’d like to join in the fun and post the forbidden on Sunday’s Seven (please just add a comment with a link to your blog – might as well have a bit of fun, right?