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Behind-the-Scenes Stories About My Novels
The world of publishing is fascinating, frightening, frustrating, and fabulous—sometimes all at the same time. I’ll share some secrets, some fun, and some disappointments you may find uplifting, hilarious, or heartbreaking, but I’ll always strive to straddle the line of professionalism. My newsletter is meant to grab the interest of those intrigued by publishing, be they a reader, writer, outsider, or insider.

Book Recommendations and MORE!
What can you expect after you sign up for my monthly newsletter? Behind-the-scenes stories about publishing, news about my latest projects, and recommendations on new (and some old:) novels that I suggest you add to your TBR if you haven’t already done so. I’ll also share some missing scenes and excerpts from those books under my bed that may make a surprise appearance in the near future.