I’ve been having a blast, and not just because I was hanging out in New York City last week, one of my favorite towns. Nope, the joy wasn’t only about the Big Apple…

I’ve been researching a new book. It’s a contemporary erotic romance, the first of a trilogy, and the main character or protagonist is a twenty-nine year old private investigator who works for a law firm and specializes in cyber crime. She’s a computer genius, but also a non-stereotypical geek-type:).

Last week, and part of the weekend, when I wasn’t having good times talking about writing, and things, with the Waterworld Mermaids (Saturday brunch), and Michelle Monkou (Sunday brunch) – brunches are cool:), I spent a few hours clothes shopping for my main character. Yes. Pinterest has delivered yet another layer of value – a perfect place to store your character’s wardrobe, home furnishings, travel plans, etc.

As a friend recently commented – this is the fun part of writing. It is also the point that can make or break a book – of this I am convinced, especially if you are a plotter. I consider myself a plotter, but like many plotters (or again, just me:), I tend to over plot (which can leave your characters lacking depth), and that will bite you in the ass during revisions.

Virtual shopping for my main characters is helping me make choices that will contribute to my getting to know them better (which can’t hurt:) – what do you think? A good idea? Something you do routinely? If not, what do you like to do in the early stages of developing a new character? Journaling? Shopping? Interviewing? Share your secrets, please…!