photo by denny s. bryce, south beach, florida, 2010

Have you ever seen a spot, a room, an island, a whatever, that has shouted – this is the perfect place to write? A haven where you feel positive you’ll be able to write, write and write? No? Well, I guess we’re in the same boat.

I’ve spent most of October writing on the road. Business travel has been eating up my life. But I’ve managed to keep up with writing, but not so much new words as editing and polishing (which is a familiar rut I tend to get into when I’m on the road a lot). But a friend asked me recently – have you found that place where you know you’ve just got to be? He wasn’t necessarily talking about writing, but that’s where I took it. And I thought I’d found a place (a bed and breakfast in Maui:), but everyplace I go is just another place to pull out a book, pull out my laptop and ‘go’ wherever my characters want me to go. So, the answer to the question is there’s no place like the ‘home’ inside your mind when it comes to writing – at least for me.

But tell me, is there a spot you go that is your favorite place to write? Or a house you’ve been that has a dream room, porch or view that inspires you beyond belief? Tell me about it.