I am obsessed with time–and with good reason. I’ve been spending huge chunks of my days and nights for the past eight months in the 1920s, working on my historical fiction. Between writing, revising, and worrying, I research. And a recent find had me wanting to do a short post about my love of music. Most anything these days will set my imagination on fire, so to speak, but one thing is a constant: my love of music. I enjoy all kinds, but in my current manuscript, Wild Women and the Blues, the story has a lot to do with the sounds of the 1920s. And for any history buff that means jazz, blues, Creole jazz, and big bands. But this photo of a 1920s music store was a boost my imagination needed — so much history in this photo, I had to make sure it made an appearance in my story (with some modifications to make it more southside Chicago 1925 than New York City 1922).
I own nothing and yes, I snagged this photo off of the internet…

Waldmans Record Shop (circa 1922) – UPDATE: A record shop didn’t make it into the book after all. I also found the source of this photo grabbed from Pinterest. Go here for more information.