Apartment with a View by Denny S. Bryce

After four years of writing original fiction I entered my first writing contest two months ago. It was with the Wisconsin Romance Writers. And let’s just say, I was thrilled when I learned I’d placed 5th out of 28 stories in the paranormal category. But the writing contest world is making me a little crazy.

In my ‘real’ world job, I don’t ‘listen’ to naysayers and/or take advice from just anyone in the industry because I’m confident in my knowledge of how to run my business/handle my projects. I know I know how to do the best possible job or at least how to ask the best questions to ensure I do the job the way it needs to be done. But Denny the writer is a jumble of nerves and insecurities and its an odd, exciting mind-set for me to explore.

Denny the writer is easily swayed by the comments of other writers, or people in general when it comes to my writing. But oddly, if they say something good, I rationalize the comment with reasons as to why I should distrust the response/reaction. Be it a co-writer in my critique group or a best friend or even the agent who judged the finalists, I can’t just take it in.

Let me be clear about the agent’s comments – they were glorious. I mean she pointed out the positive and then gave excellent advice/insights on my story. If you’ve judged contests before, you know how they work and what to expect. Opening, Plot, Main Character, Dialog. Each topic, if you will, is scored and analyzed.

So, I’m excited. I did really well – didn’t win, but I did well.

So what’s eating at me?

The comments have sent me into a major re-write mode. And I guess, each time I move forward, I feel like I’m taking a step sideways. And the bottom line is that I’m still not done!

I wish I had more to share. Something more introspective to make this post insightful, but the deal is that writing a book takes time and consistency and hard work. Each success is measured. Satisfaction has to be in the process.

I love the process, but I just wish I had more time to devote to it.