Research. Research. Research.
Now, I’m not saying my research process is any more daunting than any author who sits in front of the computer and creates stories. Nope (OK. Historical fiction. Sometimes it might be:). But when I dig into the past, frequently, I dive in too deep. Next thing I know I am tumbling head over heels into the rabbit hole. Today was no different.
I’m researching cars from the 1950s and 1960s for my second Jazz Age novel (and yes, I know the Jazz Age was in the 1920s, but time slips in my story:). Anyway, the vehicle my main character drives is a big deal (or it better be since I spent half the day researching old cars). But while looking up these cars, my memory jarred loose a fact I’d forgotten about my late mom. She owned a 1960-something Mustang when I was a kid. I don’t recall riding in it — it was her special car. But I remember the color — a shiny green.
I also found a photo of my grandmother in front of her favorite car. I think it was taken in the late 1920s or early 1930s. So, cars are a thing in my family:). I think I’ll snap a selfie in front of my car tomorrow.

1950-1959 Buick New York City/Brooklyn

Benalmadena, Spain – June 21, 2015: Inside view of classic Ford Mustang, in Benalmadena (Spain), on June 21, 2015.