Here I go with another Six Sentence Sunday – and here’s my six from a WIP I’m thinking about finishing. It starts in London, England, The King’s Pub, Piccadilly Circus, 2085.

It was a large dark room with a few spots of blue light shining down from drum-shaped fixtures dangling from the ceiling. Pepperdine stood in the entranceway and pulled a cigarette from the pack he’d found in the back of the closet in the old apartment. They were stale, but as he lit up, the harsh burn in the back of his throat made him smile.

He leaned against the door jam, puffing the fag and searching the faces of the customers at the bar until he spotted her.

He strolled over to the witch sitting with her hands wrapped around a mug of something blue and foamy, and said, “Hello Glenda.”

Shooting him a sideways glance, she huffed and then whispered, “Hello vampire.”

He hated it when she called him a vampire in public.