Found on the web – Thandie Newton.

The best thing that happened today is that I spent a crazy amount of time at the pool and didn’t need to take a three-hour nap afterward. Yeah me!

However, seriously, it wasn’t the best possible thing that happened today. I registered for RWA and got my editor and agent appointments confirmed. We’ll see how I do going into year three of the quest to get some substantial feedback from an editor or agent. I’ve made improvements to the story. The comments I received from the Fab Five Contest I placed in were divinely helpful. So I’m pitching TOR and an editor from Book Cents Literary Agency. We’ll see how those go later this week.

In the meantime, I’ve got some plotting to do. Way too many workshops to choose from and I intend to be focused. Make certain I get the most out of every minute of the next few days. So tomorrow, after my morning walk and swim, I’m going to spend time with my conference planning tools and get this puppy mapped out. good times!