This is not an in-depth analysis. Well, at least, not this post. It’s me rambling about two characters, and two actresses, whose work I enjoy. It might be the British accent, Irish, Scottish or whatever, that lures me in, or its the ballsy way the actresses approach(ed) portraying iconic characters from beloved books I’d read ‘before’ I saw the cable episodes or the movie. It is me seeing a similarity between  two actresses that led me to consider – a battle between Claire and Scarlett…and the winner is?

I’m fussy about female characters in film or TV/Cable. An author uses thousands of words to redeem/explain/expand upon their characters’ choices. But in film, you get it right or you miss it (cable’s Outlander has an advantage over Gone with the Wind because of the sixteen 60-minute episodes airing for book 1 in the series. Plenty of time to get it right, but still, it’s not like reading the book (but close–thank the gods for Sam Hueghan:)…

What if Gone with the Wind was a cable series? (No, let’s not go there).

Here are a few things I find similar about these two female characters: (1) stubbornness – their way or the highway. I’ve only finished book 1 of the Outlander series, but Claire’s stubbornness is central to the plot. (2) both women are main characters who are central to the plot, rare for film or TV unless the woman is an FBI agent, homicide detective, CIA analyst, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer:). (3)  no action takes place without Claire or Scarlett (okay, forget the wars, the death, and the diseases, other than that, the choices made by Claire and Scarlett dictate story. (4) both characters have a lot of meat on the bones in terms of flaws, as well as virtues (okay, Scarlett’s virtues are few on the virtue train, but I said this wasn’t a deep analysis). (5) Claire loves her husband. Scarlett loves her husband (okay, not all of her husbands…) Not so similar: (1) Without huge spoilers – Claire makes sacrifices for her man. Scarlett makes no sacrifices for her man. Claire is the protagonist of the story (right?:), she changes the most. Scarlett is the antagonist. She prompts changes in others (Rhett).

The actresses’ similarities? Look at their faces. The poses they choose. The ‘life’ in their eyes. That’s part of what they bring to their portrayals of these iconic characters.

Just a few thoughts because Caitriona Balfe (Claire) reminds me of the late Vivian Leigh (Scarlett)…one of my favorite actresses from classic film.75a7323912e4de7107946380a830928a

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