I just decided this morning that I miss Six Sentence Sunday, but why should I? Sundays still happen every seven days, and I’m still writing. So here’s my six from my current – polish, polish, polish – manuscript, Chasing Damn. It’s a contemporary (yes, you read that right) romantic suspense.

Nikki walked into her apartment and immediately reached for the small of her back, the place where she used to keep her pistol, and cursed. Her hand slid past the nothingness in her belt loop–she searched for another weapon. A vase, a lamp, the heel of her hand had worked in the past, too, but she needed something to deal with the someone, who smelled like sewer water and bile, hiding in her apartment. The pervasiveness of the stench confirmed that whomever had invaded her home was still inside. Standing still, she closed her eyes, and listened. She needed to make the darkness as useful to her as it was to the intruder.

Okay, that’s it for today. I just woke up and wanted to see if anyone was still out there missing Six Sentence Sunday!Or at least Denny’s Eye Candy, right:)?