Do me a favor…

I had two requests to participate in the Page 77 meme. Meredith Bond and Diana Belchase. I love this kind of stuff so thank you both for thinking of me. First a quick recap of the rules: post seven lines starting from the seventh line on page 77 of your manuscript. Of course, this is from my manuscript, Gideon, about a vampire struggling to keep a promise to a witch…and wow! I'm in the process of revisions, and these seven surprised me:)…

“You shouldn’t be so arrogant, vampire. You thought your actions would keep me on the other side. Away from what I need." The shapeshifter crossed its arms and leered. "Stupid vampire.”

Gideon rolled his body forward, his steps slow, fighting the power that wanted to keep him nailed to the wall. He was strong and knew he could get closer if he put one foot in front of the other. “Are you what made her kill her son?”

“No, I am what made her kill herself.”

The mime seems to be happening in Facebook, but I also want you to post your goodness here. So, fellow authors, I'm tagging you (and I'll also alert you via Facebook, too)!

Avery Flynn

Louisa Bacio

Joy Daniels

Robin Convington

Lynne Silver

Yvonne Pinney

Michelle Monkou

This is a dare ladies – don't make me go all Godfather on you, okay?