Six Sentence Sunday! I’m sharing six from my manuscript, Gideon about a vampire struggling to keep his promise to a witch. Don’t forget to go visit the other writers sharing their work today!

Sitting up in her bed, she rested her back against the headboard and looked around the bedroom. It had been a long, crazy night and she couldn’t sleep, indeed, she may never sleep again.

When she was twelve years old, her mother had told her to be careful about men for even the bravest, most loyal, loving man, could transform into a beast.

Turning her head, she looked at Gideon, sleeping soundly next to her, and the meaning of her mother’s cautionary tale crystalized.

It wasn’t about lovers who changed from good to bad, sweet to sour, from caring for you to lying, but a warning about witch hunters and vampires.

Or perhaps it was just this vampire, this witch hunter—this man who had fucked her into perfect bliss.