The one, the only, and soon-to-be debut author with Evernight Publishing, Carlene Love invited me to participate in this blog hop and I said yes, thrilled to join in and share what could well be The Next Big Thing, my manuscript called The Vampire Lust Club!

1.What is the working title of your book?
The Vampire Lust Club or VLC as I like to call it:)

2.Where did the idea for your book come from?
Inspired by one of my fanfictions – yes, I’m one of those people. I wrote fanfic in the Buffyverse fandom a few years back, all of it usually pairing Buffy and Spike. But there was one episode of Buffy in which a human character craved being bitten by vampires as a way of feeling ‘needed’. It got me thinking…

3.What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
In post-apocalyptic Washington, DC, a vampire hunter ‘on-the-edge’, seeking revenge for her partner’s death, teams up with a hot-headed homicide detective, looking for answers about his past, to investigate the murder of a high profile politician when they discover a cult of assassins in a dark and twisty tale of lust, addiction, sacrifice and love.

4.What genre does your book fall under?
Paranormal Erotic Romance

5.What actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Rachel Weiss and Jesse Williams (Check Out My Pinterest Page here☺…)

6.Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I am shooting for the traditional route (self-publishing is hard work!). Also VLC has an opportunity, but I’ve got to finish polishing it before I can submit it to the editor! And oh, I just learned it finaled in the Launching a Star Contest in the fantasy/futurist category for the Spacecoast Romance Writers! Yay! (Note: If you visit the site, ignore the name listed – it will change – they didn’t use my penname, part of the reason, I didn’t know I’d finaled until yesterday – lol!).

7.How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
VLC has gone through several reinventions – but the first draft took four months to write. But polishing? Well, it’s been one of those stories I keep pulling out from under the bed. Now, it is on top of the sheets.

8.What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Okay, I’m going to be so bold as to say what I’m hoping for is a mix of L.A. Banks’ big epic paranormal love stories, combined with the grittiness of J.R. Ward (anything she writes☺), and the tenacity of J.D. Robb’s Eve Dallas. LOL, I know, a bit lofty, but I like to reach for the moon and the stars:).

9.Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I love vampires, but I also enjoy the mythology of vampires and tweaking those myths, rules, laws, etc., for my story has been loads of fun. Plus, Michael Pepperdine and Razi Bantu, my heroes in VLC, are so freaking hot.

10.What else about your book might pique readers interest?
Despite their addictions, flaws, fears and general tendancy to make wildly poor choices at wildly inappropriate moments, my main characters, Casey Jackson, Michael Pepperdine and Razi Bantu are fabulously heroic, sexy as all get out, and they live in 2047 Washington, DC, how cool is that?

Note: The Next Big Thing was started by blogger She Writes to help authors promote their current work in progress by answering ten questions and then “tagging” a few other women writers inviting them to share the status of their own current works in progress.

I’m tagging Loni Lynne, Carlene Love, and Joy Daniels!