Avery Flynn, author, The Dry Creek Series, Evernight Publishing

I get the best authors to stop by and blog on my Thursday Treat, and the goodness just keeps coming with Avery Flynn on deck. She’s a fellow Waterworld Mermaid, and a wonderful supporter of writers and writing. She also is published with Evernight Publishing, so grab a cup of coffee, a soda, tea (and if you’re reading late – white wine is good, too:), and spend some time with Ms. Avery Flynn:)!

Let’s get to the facts right up front. What’s your full author name, website, your latest release, the WIP that is keeping you up at night, your agent, your publisher, how long have you been writing…your successes? Yes, I want the mini bio right here, right now!

Avery said: Flynn, Avery Flynn top secret agent of procrastination and spunky heroines working on behalf of romance junkies everywhere. 🙂 Really, wouldn’t that be cool if we formed a group of covert romance agents? Oh, I’m totally getting the idea for a new career path. But until that comes to fruition I’ll enjoy being my own silly self. You can track me down all over the place. I’m on the fabulous Waterworld Mermaids blog, my own blog, Facebook  and Twitter. My latest release will be coming out in January. It’s called A Dry Creek Bed and it’s book two in the Dry Creek series from Evernight Publishing. It’s the action packed, steamy tale of Beth Martinez and Hank Layton. It was so much fun to write and I can’t wait to have it out in the world. I’ve been writing since before I could spell (some would say that’s still true) and plan to keep doing so until my fingers stop working. 

Q. What’s the best kept secret about your writing process? 

Avery said: That even as fun as it is, it’s work. Don’t get me wrong. I love writing. However, I believe in making this my career and any career I have has to put groceries in the cupboard so I take the business side seriously. How does this factor into writing process? It means I have a set schedule that I try to keep. It means I organize myself to the nth degree (seriously I plot like I’m going into battle). It means that I’m always pushing myself to write better and learn more about the craft.

Q. What character have you written or are writing that keeps you up at night – just one, please:)?

Avery said: Right now it’s the character I haven’t written. One of the heroines for my next series is sneaking into my dreams and my downtime. Viv is going to be a ton of fun, but she is not too happy about having to wait in line for her turn. 

Q. What television or pop culture fictional character has had the greatest influence on your writing style and why?

Avery said: Oh man. I don’t know that I can pick just one. I gravitate toward the kick ass heroine who always finds a way to make things happen. This could be a Charlie’s Angel, Buffy, Stephanie Plum, Anita Blake … you get the idea. I like this type of heroine because I think they inspire and empower us as readers. It’s a thrill to get to live vicariously through them and at the same time connect with them. Take Anita Blake, for example. She is a tough, tough woman. I get an adrenaline rush reading about her adventures, but at the same time I really connect with her because she has to balance her work with the needs of her family.

Q. What book/author is the current “hot read” on your bookshelf?

Avery said: There are three authors I always pick up: Janet Evanovich, Lori Foster and Laurell K. Hamilton.

Q. What’s your favorite drink on a hot August evening – and who (fictional or not, friend or family, celebrity or historic figure) would be sitting at your side enjoying that drink with you?

Avery said: I’m a beer girl and my current favorite if the Guinness Black Lager. Yum. Who to have it with? I have to go with my husband. Even after almost 12 years and three kids, he’s still my favorite person to hang out with.

Q. Who’s your favorite romance author and what would you ask them if you had the chance (or when you had the chance)?

Avery said: My favorite is Lori Foster. When I look at authors I’d love to have mentor me, she is at the top of the list. I actually did get to talk with her (via e-mail) recently. That Q and A will go live tomorrow (Nov. 4) at the Waterworld Mermaids blog with a few extras on my blog. So stop by and see how personable she seems even via e-mail.

Q. Last question…what question have you been dying to answer but no one has ever asked?

Avery said: What is it like to be a New York Times bestselling author with 40 books under your belt and your own private island?

Great questions Denny! Thanks so much for having me – and don’t hesitate to drop by Evernight Publishing to check out my books by clicking here now!

Thanks so much Avery for agreeing to hang out and share your success, as well as the latest news on your series. Now readers, please take a moment to ask Avery some questions. She’ll be with us all day long, so let’s get to chatting!