by Denny S. Bryce | Aug 4, 2013 | Denny's eye candy, FEATURED ARTICLES, WIPs, writing
I said I was going to start my own thing – and so I have. Writers you are welcome to join me every Sunday by posting seven sentences from one of your books, or WIPs. I have so many WIPs I can barely breathe, but right now I’m focusing on only one of them...
by Denny S. Bryce | Jul 28, 2013 | Denny's eye candy, Sunday's Seven, vampires, WIPs, writing
Why, why, why am I sitting in front of my computer with four stories to write and wanting desperately to start working on this OTHER story idea? Huh? Am I insane, or just a master of procrastination? Well, here’s what I’m going to do to rid myself of the...
by Denny S. Bryce | Jul 1, 2013 | Denny's eye candy, FEATURED ARTICLES, writing
I just finished a huge project for my EDJ (Evil Day Job, in case you needed to ask), and am setting my sights on writing, writing, writing for the next six months. Yes, I am taking time off to polish, pitch, and see if I can gain some headway in this world called...
by Denny S. Bryce | Apr 29, 2013 | Denny's eye candy, FEATURED ARTICLES
I was watching a couple in line yesterday at Starbucks and was curious about the intensity of the young woman’s gaze. She watched her lover, clearly the man of her dreams, without blinking, and whether he was looking her in the eye or not, she stared at him....
by Denny S. Bryce | Mar 10, 2013 | Denny's eye candy, six sentence sunday
To calm my Sunday nerves (it’s a big day for writing and getting caught up in general – so that’s why the nerves:), I decided to post six sentences from my WIP – and of course some eye candy. Plus, a few blog post recommendations, you might...
by Denny S. Bryce | Feb 24, 2013 | Chasing Damn, Denny's eye candy, eye candy, six sentence sunday
I just decided this morning that I miss Six Sentence Sunday, but why should I? Sundays still happen every seven days, and I’m still writing. So here’s my six from my current – polish, polish, polish – manuscript, Chasing Damn. It’s a...